New version of the SPANer

New version of the SPANer

SPANer offers the possibility to select one of several languages. As a result, both calculation and subsequent report generation are possible not only in Polish.

We have made every effort to make the use of SPANer as intuitive as possible. To make it even easier to use the programme, we will be releasing instructional videos and pdf presentations showing step-by-step the possibilities of the tool.

The new version of the program has been supplemented by features such as double sheeting, bracing on supports and cantilevers. The addition and editing of loads is also transparent and allows complex design situations to be reproduced.

To make work even easier at different stages of documentation detail or when looking for optimisation, the programme also allows you to return to your projects at any time and edit them after saving. It is also possible to duplicate specific calculation items in order to check further variants.

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The programme runs in your browser and does not require anything to be installed on your computer. It is therefore possible - after creating an account and using your own password - to open it on any computer or even your mobile: wherever you need it. All that is required is internet access.

Registration is very simple and should take no more than 2 minutes.

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Useful documents

SPANer - first steps

The video tutorial showing the step-by-step features of the new release of the software that helps in the selection of Hacierco and Hacieba profiled sheets.

Watch on YouTube

SAPNer - calculation report

The video tutorial showing the step-by-step features of the new release of the software that helps in the selection of Hacierco and Hacieba profiled sheets.

Watch on YouTube

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